Relationship and sexual health


Relate Cambridge - provides counselling services to individuals that may experiencing relationships problems. Counselling is not limited to romantic relationships but can also be provided for sex therapy, sex addiction therapy, family counselling, children's and young people's counselling, parental relationship and to families of Armed Forces. Expanded to provide courses on life skills and support businesses with the wellbeing of their employees. Counselling can be provided in-person or online. This is a paid service.

Dhiverse - Support individuals ages 11+ including those with learning disabilities and autism. Provides education, information and support regarding sexual health and HIV. Can provide couselling regarding sexualised behaviours, sexual health, HIV, sexual relationships, sexual trauma, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Co-Depedents Anonymous (CoDA) - programme of recovery for those that want to build healthy relationships. Hosts meetings (online or in-person), workshops and events in the UK and beyond where individuals can share their stories. Additional support is available through Whatsapp where individuals can connect to more experienced members to move towards recovery as they pursue the programme.

Centre 33 - support individual between 13-25 years old in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Individuals are free to drop-in (with no appointment) at one of their hubs in the county where they can speak confidentially to a worker. They assess and advice dependind on your needs. They support issues around relationships, identity, sexual health etc. They can also provide pregnancy testing, STI testing (chlamydia and gonorrhoea), free condoms and c-cards. Can support individuals reach more specialist services.

Women's aid - a national charity supporting women and children that are experiencing/experienced domestic abuse. They can also provide survivors more help regarding housing, safety and dealing with the police. Help is provided via live chat, email, survivor handbook, local service, links and resources. They also have a forum where individuals can connect with others in an anonymous way to share their experience and support others. 

Respect - Men advice line for males that are victim of domestic abuse. Support is provided via phone, email or webchat. 

Cornerstone Pregnancy advice centre - provides support to individuals with unplanned pregnancies and gives non-directive information for individual to make appropriate decisions. Can also offer post-abortion counselling. Support is available for partners too. 

Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre - this is a free specialist organisation which support women and girls that are experiencing/have experienced rape or sexual violence. This is a confidential, non-directional and non-judgemental service. They provide services to both men and women. Support is provided via their helpline, email, live chat, advocacy, counselling and peer support groups.

Resources - resource explaining healthy boundaries and how to set them.

Counselling Directory - resource explaining how improve communication in relationships.

Relate - many resources that can help navigating common relationship issues such as arguing, communication etc.

Imperfect journalling - relationship journal prompts to be used.