Summary Care Record and Sharing Consent

Last Updated: 28/05/2021

Your Details

Consent to disclose confidential medical information

We understand that you may have someone close to you involved in your care, due to GDPR guidelines we cannot disclose medical information without your prior consent. This includes; appointment information, results, appointment information ect. If you would like to nominate someone e.g parents, friend or school nurse please complete this section.

Summary Care Record

If you are registered with a GP practice in England you will already have a Summary Care Record (SCR), unless you have previously chosen not to have one. It will contain key information about the medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any adverse reactions to medicines you have had in the past. Information about your healthcare may not be routinely shared across different healthcare organisations and systems. You may need to be treated by health and care professionals that do not know your medical history. Essential details about your healthcare can be difficult to remember, particularly when you are unwell or have complex care needs. Having a Summary Care Record can help by providing healthcare staff treating you with vital information from your health record. This will help the staff involved in your care make better and safer decisions about how best to treat you.

Sharing In & Out

Your heath record includes your medical history, details about your medication and any allergies you may have. You can now choose whether to share these full medical details. We use a secure electronic health records system called SystmOne. With your permission, this system can allow clinicians to share your full record held here with other healthcare services who are providing care for you. These other services will ask your permission to view your record. Many organisations may use SystmOne including some GP practices, out of hours services, children’s services, community services and some hospitals. Sharing your health record will help us deliver the best level of care for you. You have two choices which allow you to control how your record is shared. You can change these choices at any time by letting the relevant practice or service know.

General Practice Data for Planning and Research (Type 1 Opt Out)

Patient data collected from general practice is needed to support a wide variety of research and analysis to help run and improve health and care services. Whilst the data collected in other care settings such as hospitals is valuable in understanding and improving specific services, it is the patient data in general practice that helps us to understand whether the health and care system as a whole is working for patients. NHS Digital will not collect patients’ names or addresses. Any other data that could directly identify patients (such as NHS Number, date of birth, full postcode) is replaced with unique codes which are produced by de-identification software before the data is shared with NHS Digital. This process is called pseudonymisation and means that patients will not be identified directly in the data. NHS Digital will be able to use the software to convert the unique codes back to data that could directly identify patients in certain circumstances, and where there is a valid legal reason. We will collect structured and coded data from patient medical records. You can find out more information here:

Proof of Address & ID

To complete a registration we require proof of address and ID. Please send pictures/scans of the documents you will be providing to with your name and date of birth as the subject line.

Registration Checklist

All three online forms need to be completed, the surgery may reject your registration if any sections are incomplete.

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